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“Which is impossible becomes possible, the unattainable becomes attainable.


Practicing Yoga leads you to access inner peace.  Yoga is much more than the physical practice as it is popularly known. Yoga as described in Patanjali’s sutra is composed of eight limbs. One of those limbs being the practice of  physical movement called asana most known in the western world. The practice of asana is ultimately to prepare us for meditation. Yoga calms the mind by focusing on the breath.  Practicing yoga aligns the body and mind for well being.  Yoga is a spiritual modality to empowers your focus and concentration.  Yoga assists you in letting go of the old programming to embrace the present moment. Yoga is a platform that activates your light to shine at its brightest. I offer classes of yoga on Zoom and in person.

” Yoga requires no prerequisites that must be fulfilled before we set out on this path.” Start where you are, your actions equal faith.            

Choose love instead of fear. Stay present.  Choose to develop a way of being centered in love, protected from negativity by transforming energy positively through compassion. The presence of Oneness is experienced through the evolution of consciousness.

Discernment  can be very beneficial while criticizing closes the doors of  possibilities.  Sometimes  judgment can arise from pain coming from the past.

Kriya Yoga brings the connection to that which is complete and divine within. Being content, in the moment.

Solaya has E-RYT 200, RYT 500. and YACEP designations certified with Yoga alliance. She is a dedicated yoga teacher and strives to inspire people to unfold into their full potential by exploring  the art & science of Yoga. Solaya’s Yoga classes assist people to center within, cultivating joy and enjoying a peaceful  mind. Solaya teaches yoga to align intentions, emotions and actions. She teaches on Zoom and in person. Connect via email or Facebook  to experience a class with her wherever you are around the world. 



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