Passions are expressions of truth, of authenticity. As you live your life with passion, your presence is felt in all the avenues of your life: relationships, career, personal, spiritual. Living with passion embrace the present moment and find angles that promote evolution.

In which direction is your attention focus?business card latest back (1)

Decisions we make small and big surge from curiosity of experiencing.  Experience what resonates with your  truth.  Sometimes, you may not be clear with what you want, when that occurs pay attention to what is in your life at the moment, start right there, in the present moment. If you don’t know what you want, think about what you don’t want and most likely the contrary of that which you don’t want is what you want.

As you invest your focus in a certain direction the energy carries you forward to experience, blossom and grow.

Our intentions are not restricted to material manifestation. You may wish to cultivate peace, joy,  love.  Intentions are seeds planted in the garden of our being. Whatever vibration is important to you, invest your Self in it, explore breakthroughs.  Consciousness experience itself in the realm of matter through life. Be this excellent conduit for it to expand and grow. Share your authentic self with passion, this is your contribution to the world. Namaste